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Sins of the Fallen Page 8

  “I understand.” He looked over at me as if to make sure I really did understand.

  “Very well, Max.” He snapped his fingers and one of his tray girls came in the library.

  “Yes Jeremiel?”

  “Darling, can you please escort Angela in.” She left the room and a moment later was back with Angela in tow.

  “My apologies dear for making you wait so long but Max here has asked me a question that has probably been tormenting him for the past two weeks.” She looked to me with curiosity but I stared at Jeremiel, appreciating how well he knew me. She met us by the bookshelf as he said, “He is Nephilim. He is Wrath.”

  His voice echoed throughout the room and he stared me down with his grey eyes that turned to ice.


  “A Nephilim? That’s a myth. Anyways, weren’t they all destroyed during the flood?” Angela asked. I was at a loss. The flood? Like Noah’s Ark?

  “Yes, but that didn’t stop angels from mating with women. The prime example here is Xavier and Emily, though they are that rare exception where it was true love; there are some fallen angels who do it with a secret agenda. Now Max, I can’t tell you everything but I am going to tell you about yourself. It is the most important. After this, you will be able to seek out the answers to any other questions you may have and you’re more than welcome to look through my vast collection of books if you think they can help.”

  We nodded in agreement and he went on.

  “The Nephilim are beings that are half human and half angel. After the flood we knew that cleansing the Earth wouldn’t stop Angels from reproducing so we set rules. But not just any rules, more like a restriction. There can only be seven Nephilim alive at a time, and you Maximillion, are the seventh Nephilim.”

  “How can you stop them from having more than seven?”

  “The Earth is only capable of carrying seven Nephilim at a time. If one tried to consummate an eighth, it could cost the angel and the partner their lives. Not a risk many want to take.” He scanned through the bookshelf while he spoke and pulled out what he’d been searching for. He carried the heavy book to the coffee table by the window and flipped through the pages. We sat across from him and he continued.

  “Each one of you represents one of the seven deadly sins. Pride, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth and Wrath. Your sin Max is Wrath. This is why you only see the fire emerge when you’re angry.”

  “Well we figured he was a half breed, but what’s with all this sin talk?” Angela had her elbows on her knees and leaned in, getting down to business.

  “The Nephilim are the sins of the fallen, it’s only right for each of them to represent a sin. They were born from sin, an abnormality in our race. What your parents did was not right, Max. It should have never happened but what’s done is done.”

  “So am I some sort of evil offspring?”

  He laughed and it echoed in the room. “Oh no, Max, you’re not evil unless you choose to be. Just because you represent Wrath doesn’t mean you’ll have to join anger management. It’s really just a way for us to control how many of your kind roam the Earth because one thing you should be aware of is how dangerous you are. You might not know it yet because you’re still a baby compared to the rest of the Nephilim, but you are all a very dangerous race.” The hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

  “I don’t understand why. We’re half human, we should be the weakest link.”

  “On the contrary, Max. Because you’re part human is why the Nephilim are a superior race. Your humanity gives you the ability to think and act outside of the box. Angels have rules that they don’t dare cross unless they want to become one of the fallen, or worse, a demon. They’re restricted, even if it’s for the greater good.” I pondered the information and itched to ask the questions I knew he couldn’t answer.

  “So I’m a baby Nephilim compared to the rest. Does that mean I’ll live forever?”

  “No one, no matter how immortal they think they are, is ever truly immortal. You could die tomorrow or a hundred years from now. It just depends on your survival skills, but you could live for many centuries.” The idea of living past ninety was going to be a hard pill to swallow.

  “Who’s after him, Jeremiel?”

  “Oh my dear Angela, like I told Max, I cannot tell you the why’s and the who’s. I can only guide you from here.”

  “What do I do?” I couldn’t help but ask. This helpless feeling crawled all over me. It didn’t matter how much he told me about my origin, nothing brought me any closer to my pursuers. Although I was grateful for the information, it was nice to finally know. And I was starting to understand part of what the cabbie meant.

  “Max, you already know my answer. What I can say is that they won’t hurt you, not directly. It seems as if they need you; but that doesn’t mean they won’t hurt the ones you love. Look at me, Maximillion.”

  I ran my hands through my hair, gazing at my feet—trying to piece things together. I lifted my head to face him.

  “I know you’re scared. You don’t have to say it, I know, but you have to be strong. You have many battles ahead of you before you conquer this and even then you’ll have more after that.”

  He stood up and looked down at me. “Before you both go, no matter what happens, Max, make sure your flames stay blue. Even though I told you that you’re not an evil spawn, the temptations are still there and not all Nephilim play for the same team. You have to promise me that you will keep heaven’s fire pure.”

  I couldn’t meet his eyes. My mind was in a state of information overload and I didn’t want to make a promise I wouldn’t be able to keep.

  “Max! You need to promise me!” He yelled across the room, startling me as I jumped back.

  “I promise.”

  Pienza, Italy



  I slammed my hands on his bed and clutched the sheets in despair, crying and cursing his death. The weight of it all was too much for me to bear. The one person that I ever loved, who loved me in return was gone. “Why was I dealt this life of pain and sorrow,” was all I could scream as my mother laughed behind me.

  I couldn’t believe this woman laughed just as the man she called her husband died only a couple breaths ago. He had never laid a hand on her and he worked hard to keep us fed.

  What did he ever do to deserve this? What did I ever do to deserve this?

  “The men will be here soon to get that devil out of my home. I suggest you do the same,” she said as she walked out the room leaving my little sister in the doorway.

  “You don’t have to be scared of me, Madeline. What she says is not true, I won’t hurt you.” I tried to take a step closer to my sister but she flinched and that stopped me in my tracks. The little girl was terrified.

  “Mother said he was evil and that you are just like him. That if I go near you I will go to Hell.” I gave up. There was no point in arguing with her. Madeline had been brainwashed and nothing was going to change that.

  I pushed past her and into my room. I grabbed a sack and put as many of my things as possible in it. My father warned me this might happen, but he didn’t tell me where to go. I walked out the room and heard my mother speaking.

  “Yes, he is in his quarters. Father Leonardo said to burn him and the girl. It’s the only way. She’s in her room.”

  I froze in place.

  They were going to burn me at the stake along with my father. How could they be so cruel? I was only fifteen and they were planning my death.

  The men who came for my father’s body stopped at the sight of me in the hallway. They went straight for me, knowing I heard what was said.

  I didn’t resist. I didn’t have time too.

  I had failed.

  They tied my hands and feet and dragged me down the road with my dead father next to me. Clouds of dusts engulfed me and I choked on my own coughs. The ground scraped my skin raw as each brush of harsh soil and rocks dug into my flesh.

  We were hea
ded towards the church where the whole village was waiting.

  I didn’t feel the bumps and scrapes anymore; I was ready for my fate. I had nothing else to live for.

  I was ready to die.

  A man grabbed me by my hair and I saw two wooden stages up ahead in the courtyard. They placed my father in the empty one and dragged me up to the one with a wooden stake sticking out. They tied my arms around it and left me there.

  The village people, the ones who treated me like the plague all my life, were below me throwing stones, very few actually hitting me.

  Father Leonardo, the priest of our small village, commenced the gathering.

  “My brothers and sisters of the Lord, we are here because of the demon blood that has been brought to our home. Finally we will rid our village from this disease that God has commissioned me to cleanse.”

  He went to my father and after a silent prayer he took one of the torches and set the stage ablaze.

  My screams traveled into the next village. The pain and fear ate at my bones and to see my father burn was excruciating.

  I looked into the crowd and saw my mother. Instead of grief, there was relief and joy on her face. She cheered with the crowd as the priest made his way towards me.

  “Now we must rid this world of the devils spawn, to never walk this Earth again.”

  He began to throw holy water at me in hopes to see me burn. But I didn’t. I cried from the sight of my father who was becoming no more than just a skeleton and soon ash.

  “Please,” I begged, “have mercy on me. I don’t know what I did wrong, Father, but please spare me my life.” My sobs were uncontrollable and my pleas fell on deaf ears.

  “Child, there is nothing but evil and darkness that courses through your veins. You don’t deserve mercy.” He spit in my face and turned to grab a torch from one of the villagers.

  I felt the heat of the flames as he waved it in front of my face.

  “No, no, no, please!” He laughed and dropped the torch at my feet.

  “Goodbye, child.”

  The last glimpse I caught was of my mother as a single tear drop fell down her cheek. Soon all I could do was scream as the flames burned away my humanity.

  Present Day


  “I have some errands to run, but I will have my jet fueled and ready to take you home this evening. In the meantime, enjoy the beach and catch some sun. You both look like you need it.” Jeremiel gestured out the window and I was still stuck on the mention of a jet. I might be Nephilim, but I was still seventeen.

  “Max, I want you to borrow this book. It talks all about the origin of the Nephilim and could help with any other questions you might have.” I took the book from him and appreciated the sentiment. If only this book could tell me who was after me and what they wanted.

  He walked out of the library, leaving Angela and I to think about everything that was said.

  “I don’t think I can live this life,” I mumbled, not meaning to have said that out loud.

  “Well you need to suck it up and stop playing the victim. You got a long road ahead of you and all you ever say is ‘I don’t know’, ‘why me’, blah blah blah. You’ve had an unexpected turn of events, instead of whining, face it head on.” Her combat boots stomped out of the library and I stared at the ground she left behind.

  She had some nerve after everything I’d had to deal with this past week. Yet, I knew she was right to some extent.

  I walked out the back porch that led to Jeremiels private beach, and headed about a mile down until I reached the public side.

  Even though the area was mostly residential, there were still a lot of tourists out and huts selling souvenirs. I looked at all the knick knacks being sold and reminded myself to buy something for my mom before I left. I went in to one of the huts that sold swimwear and bought a pair of trunks. Since I hadn’t known where we were going, I didn’t pack any.

  “Miss, where can I find a lounge chair?” I asked the lady at the register. I didn’t have much money to spend so I might as well go get some vitamin D.

  “You go down the beach child. There be chairs for free.” She waved further down and I gave her my thanks.

  The beach wasn’t too packed, I was assuming because of the fall season but there were a lot of young people. I guess I can blend in. I rented a locker after changing and walked to the beach in my swimming trunks and carried a towel.

  Spotting an empty lounge chair by the water, I made my way over there before anyone else could take. I reached it just as a girl in a two piece bathing suit came over for the same one.

  “Well we got a dilemma here don’t we?” She giggled and her giant sunglasses lifted up. Not in the mood to interact with anyone, I motioned for her to take it and turned to walk away. She grabbed my arm.

  “No don’t worry, you won me over with that lost puppy look. You can have it.”

  “Thanks, but it’s really okay, I can look for another one.” She twirled her fiery red hair around her finger and shifted her feet.

  “Or we can share it?” I ran my hand through my shaggy mess of a hair that needed a trim soon and nodded. This girl was not going to let me off the hook.

  She sat on the part with the back rest and I sat at the end. She was pretty but the sun was really bright so I couldn’t see her well except the red of her hair.

  “So you have this whole ‘tall, dark and handsome’ thing going for you, what’s your name?” She asked leaning on her knees. The last thing I would ever describe myself as was dark.

  “Max.” I put my hand out towards her and she did the same, running a small circle on the inside of my wrist.

  “Sienna.” Okay, that name fit her. She seemed like a little firecracker. After nodding in acknowledgment, I looked out to the ocean and the water was clear, nothing like back home. It made me want to stay here and never go back.

  “You’re not much of a talker, are you Max?” I couldn’t see her face with those sunglasses covering most of it but I didn’t think she was upset by my quietness.

  “Sorry, just got a lot on my mind.”

  “Girlfriend?” She quickly asked and because I’m that self-absorbed, I just realizing she was flirting with me.

  “Nope, just family stuff, nothing too major though.” I tried to lighten the mood and smile because she was really trying to flirt with me. She hadn’t notice how insincere I was.

  “Well Max, you’re on vacation and we’re gonna turn that frown upside down.” I chuckled at how cliché she sounded and nodded because I needed the distraction. She got up from the chair and extended her hand. Hesitating for a moment, I went for it and followed her. We walked down the beach to a hut called ‘Mack’s Shack’ that rented snorkeling gear, kayaks, jet skis and ATVs.

  “Hey there, handsome,” Sienna leaned over the counter with her breasts sitting on top. “How much for a four wheeler?” Her pearly whites sparkled in the sun.

  One look at her and the attendant was a goner. His smile was so wide, I was surprised his cheeks didn’t hurt. He whistled at her and said, “For you? A kiss.”

  “Make that a dinner and a kiss and we have a deal.” He grabbed a set of keys inside of a box and tossed them to her in agreement. She winked at him and walked towards one of the bikes that were lined up next to the shack.

  “Okay I think you’re crazy for renting one of these things and paying for it with a date. You don’t know that guy. You don’t even know me; I could be a serial killer,” I said as she laughed but I didn’t find it funny. This girl was going on a date with a total stranger and rented an ATV so she could go on the trails in the woods with another stranger. Did she have no sense of self-preservation?

  “Are you a serial killer Max?”


  “Then I’m safe. I’m not really going to dinner with that guy, now let’s go!” Yeah, she was officially nuts. I had to jog to catch up to her and once I did, she had already started the engine.

  “Sienna, I think you need to be
a bit more careful when it comes to strangers.” I got on and she climbed in behind me, wrapping her arms around my abdomen.

  “Are you worried about me?”

  “Uh, yeah, you’re sort of wild.” I revved up the bike and her grip tightened, followed by a squeal of excitement.

  “I’m on vacation and I meet this really cute guy named Max. Right now I want to be wild and enjoy my time with him.” Shaking my head at the absurdity of it all, I squeezed the throttle and zoomed down the beach. Her laughter and squeals could be heard over the sound of the bike as I accelerated. If Jones and Angela could be reckless, why couldn’t I?

  We fish tailed it down the beach and entered the trails in the woods. Slowing down, we followed it and were surrounded by trees in no time.

  “So how old are you Max?” Oh boy, the moment of truth. I’d probably never see her again after this but these gut feelings always got the better of me. Damn conscience. I couldn’t lie.

  “I’m seventeen.” She was silent at first and I thought she was going to go ballistic on me but then she giggled.

  “Wow, you are seriously young but you definitely don’t look it. That body of yours is not meant for a seventeen year old. Are you in high school?”

  “Yeah, I’m a senior.” She rested her head on my back and held on a little tighter. I guess she didn’t mind my age. Hm.

  She told me to go left off the trail and I was a little hesitant at first but did it anyways. If I was going to be reckless like my guardians, I might as well do it right. She kept pointing for me to do all these turns and I had begun to get nervous. I hoped she knew the way back.

  “Do you know how to get back to the beach?”

  “Yeah, stop right here.”

  I pulled to a stop and turned off the four wheeler. She climbed off and stretched. The trees were blocking out the sunlight and I was finally able to get a good look at her. In only her red bikini, she looked out of place in the middle of the woods, but I couldn’t say she didn’t look good—she was a bombshell.