OMEGA: A New Adult Urban Fantasy (Mackenzie Grey Book 4) Page 23
“What's the last ingredient?” Jackson asked. “I'll get it.”
I shook my head. “It's not that easy. Trust me, after this is all over we'll do it.”
“I'll find whatever it is that you need me to find. I’ll go now!”
“I already have it.”
“So what are you waiting for? We can give it to her and send her far, far away from all of this.”
My patience was running thin. “I have to die,” I blurted. “The last ingredient is my death.”
His eyes widened.
“Blood. It has to be the blood of someone who sacrifices themselves for it—it's dark magic. I knew what I was getting into, but it's a life for life and I've already decided. It'll be me. Like I said, Jackson, I'm going to fix everything. I promise. But it has to be after we deal with the Fae.”
His face hardened. We stood there for some time, taking in the noise of the city that never slept. Enjoying the silence between us as we thought about what was up ahead. Not the upcoming war, but the one person we both loved so fiercely.
“After the battle,” he said.
“I'll do it. I promise.”
Jackson looked me in the eyes and his glistened with unshed tears. But he's a wolf. He wouldn't dare show weakness. “Okay.”
“You sure don't sound like you’d miss me,” I joked.
He shook his head. “That's not what I'm saying, Mackenzie. This is a big deal, its suicide.”
I rolled my eyes. “Like I haven't heard that enough.”
“Nevermind,” I muttered. “I know what I'm doing. This life is not something I would've chosen for myself. I never wanted to be a wolf, hell I should've never been one. Adaline gave her last dying breath to make sure I’d never become a Luna and it happened anyway. This wasn't my destiny, it wasn't who I was meant to be. The cure is my way out. To make sure that everybody I care about is safe.”
“And then what?” Jackson said. “You kill yourself and she turns human. You're still going to leave a trail of tragedy behind you. We might win the war, but what about Amy? She'll lose her best friend, Jonah will lose the woman he loves, and Sebastian,” he paused. “I don't know what you got going on with Bash, but I’ve never seen him like this. He's been like a brother to us, so I notice. I think your death is something he might not come back from.”
I didn't want to think about what Sebastian and I had become. The idea of being soulmates was romantic, gushy, and everything I didn’t believe in, but I wanted to find out if it was real. After James, I never imagined being with anybody else because of the secret I’d been keeping. How could you tell someone you howl at the moon three days out of the month? And then here came Sebastian who drove me crazy. The ying to my yang as cliché as it sounds. We were polar opposites, but he kept me grounded. When I needed a reality check, he was there growling away. When he needed to loosen the hell up, I’d pull the stick out of his ass. I wanted to see where life took us, but he didn’t deserve to inherit my baggage.
All I would do was bring him trouble. I am trouble. He would be stuck living a life of protecting me from people wanting to take advantage of me or murder me because let's face it, for the last three years that's been my life. After this war is won, I’ll still be a target. It might not be the Fae anymore, but I’ll be the heir to the Lycan throne and people want that power. Alexander made waves both good and bad, and people may not like that change.
And here I go again trying to control everything. As Dr. Jones said, this might never happen. It could be my insecurities stopping me from accepting a semblance of happiness, but what about all the good I could do with this sacrifice? I could make sure everybody was happy—give them the fresh start that they need.
I peered up at Jackson. “That's why you'll be here. You'll be here to hold everybody together, Jack. I know you will, just like you did when I left for Los Angeles. We may not be the best of friends, hell sometimes we may not like each other, but we understand one another. And I know you'll be by your brother’s side when he thinks he can't go on, you'll be with Amy every step of the way because you are meant to be together—you two are everyone’s relationship goals,” I laughed. “And you’ll be there for Sebastian. You'll become his right hand and a pillar that he can lean on when times get tough. I trust that you'll take care of everyone.”
He grimaced. “You can't put that burden on me, Mackenzie. I can't do it all.”
“Yes, you can. You’re Jackson Cadwell, of course you can do everything.”
He grunted. “What about me?”
“What about you?”
“You don't think I'll miss you?”
I chuckled. “I don't know. Will you?”
He shrugged. “Maybe.”
I placed a hand on his shoulder. He flinched, but I tightened my hold. “Then remember this exact moment, and know that I'll miss you too. I don't regret anything. I don't regret killing Caleb and saving your life, because you have been there for my best friend when I wasn't. We just want to help the people we care about and that's a good thing. Maybe its because we're too much alike why you don't like me, because I never said I hated you.” He chuckled. “Anytime you miss me,” I wiggled my brows, “just remember this moment.”
He nodded, but didn't say anything.
“Sebastian and Jonah know about the cure, but I don't think they understand I'll go through with it and if they do, they're already thinking up a plan to stop me. That's where you come in, Jackson. I need you to make sure that I go through with it.”
He shook his head. “I don't know how you expect me to do that.”
“It's going to be easy. Remember a little over a year ago after I killed Logan and your dad sent me to the silver cage?” He growled. “Who attempted to rescue me? Jackson, you do what you know is right, everybody else be damned. You'll figure it out.”
“I failed you then. I wasn't able to get you out.”
“Doesn't matter. You tried when no one else did. Had it not been for Jonah…” I trailed off and grinned.
“My brother makes no sense to me,” Jackson sighed.
“He doesn't make sense to a lot of people, but his intentions are pure. And I think his time in Scotland has changed him. He's understanding a lot more. Times are changing for the better and all of you are going to be needed to make sure that it continues. All of you are going to have to be there for Alexander as well.”
Jackson's head spun to me. “What about Alexander? You’re the next in line to the throne—the only one.”
“That's true, but I'm not meant to be queen. Let's face it, Jackson, I'm not ladylike.”
“You can say that again,” he mumbled.
I rolled my eyes. “I'm sure Alexander will figure something out—I don't think it's my time. But it’s yours.”
There’s a peace when you’ve accepted you’re about to die. I didn’t know how to explain it, but it’s as if a weight had been lifted off my chest and I could breathe. I was doing what was right. This was my destiny all along.
“Are you awake?” Bash mumbled from behind me, pressing soft kisses up and down my bare back.
I nodded. “Want to go out for breakfast?”
His calloused hands roamed down my arm to grip my hip, rolling me over to face him.
“We can…but I need to ask you for a favor.”
I sat up on my elbows so quick I had to stop the bed sheet from falling.
“You? Need a favor from me?” I grinned. “It must be the end of the world.”
“Don’t be dramatic, Mackenzie,” Bash rolled his eyes. “If you’re going to make a big deal out of it, then forget it.”
He sat up from the bed. With his back to me, I watched the ripples of his muscles work in sync with his movements as he put on his boxer briefs. They were strong and defined, and absolutely mouthwatering. How the hell did I get him?
“Okay, okay,” I reached for him. “Proceed with favor asking,” I bit my lip to hide my smirk.
/> Bash looked over his shoulder and sighed. “As you’re aware, we haven’t been able to recruit the Lunas we’ve lost…mainly because they’re afraid of what might happen.”
A knot formed in my throat. “Like what happened to the Lunas before.” What happened to Blu.
He nodded. “I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to keep the Pack together with no Lunas. Some of them were mothers, sisters, wives. We’re still dealing with the aftermath.”
“The Brooklyn Pack hates me, Bash. I don’t know how much help I can be.”
“They don’t hate you, Mackenzie,” he turned to face me. “They need someone to blame.”
I sighed. “I don’t mind. Better they hate me than the Lunas.”
His face hardened and those blue eyes glowed sapphire. I smirked as I ruffled that midnight hair of his.
“Take a chill pill, Steel. I’m used to people not liking me.”
“What if we could change that?”
Did I really care? Whether the Brooklyn Pack hated me or not was so low on my radar that it was almost insignificant. I might be dating their Alpha, but I didn’t need their approval. Maybe Bash wanted it? Whatever the case may be, I was going to make an effort and try to meet him halfway. See? I can be mature.
I shrugged. “How?”
“Help me recruit Lunas for the Pack.”
Well damn. Someone took a left turn in Albuquerque.
I laughed. “Me? As a recruiter? You got to be joking.”
“Not so much as a recruiter, but more like an incentive,” he stood from the bed and began to pace. I’d never seen him so nervous. I was about to tell him I’d do it, for him I would, but I wanted to see him sweat a little bit. Call me evil, but it’s a rare occasion when a big, bad Alpha like Sebastian gets this wound up.
“All year we’ve been trying to get Lunas to join the Pack, but they only will under one condition: you.” I raised an eyebrow at that. “They want the legendary Mackenzie Grey. Your name has been tied to us from the beginning so they assume you’ll be around, but when they find out you’re not, they back out. You make them feel safe, you make them feel strong,” he paused and scratched his five o’clock shadow. “They want you to train them.”
The Brooklyn Pack warehouse was abuzz as I strolled in behind their Alpha with a breakfast sandwich in one hand, and a cup of coffee in the other.
Sebastian had called Bernard while we were at the bodega getting breakfast to give the Pack a heads up on what we were doing. The wolves threw wary glances my way, but the hatred had dissipated.
“Don’t all look so shocked,” I said to them. “This is my good deed for the year.”
“It’s good to see you again,” Bernard smiled, offering his big hand for a shake. The lumberjack was still the same; in flannel with that overgrown reddish-beard. I felt like asking him to chop me some wood. Control yourself, Kenzie.
“Ditto,” I said as I finished up my sandwich and stepped in front of the camera. Gulping the last bit of coffee, I handed my trash to Bash and sat on the stool they had for me.
Bern adjusted the camera propped up on a tripod, trying to get the right angle.
“Make sure you get my good side,” I said and that got a few laughs from the Pack.
In one of my most comfortable, over-washed jeans, a white V-neck shirt that was loosely tucked in the front, and my black leather jacket, I sat before the Pack and all the Lunas who would be seeing my message. I ran a nervous hand through my messy bed hair and twisted the ring on my middle finger—the MacCoinnich family ring that Alexander gave me for my twenty-fourth birthday.
Sebastian stepped in front of me, resting a hand on either side of my stool and leaned forward.
“If you don’t want to go through with it, we’ll call it off. Just say the word.” Those concerned blue eyes pierced me.
I shook my head. “Don’t get soft on me, Bash,” I pushed him away. He gave me a stern nod, and told Bern to press play.
“Whenever you’re ready, Kenz,” Bernard said.
With my boots perched on the steps of the stool, I smiled at the camera. “I’m Mackenzie Grey, the lone-wolf who’s been driving Lycans up the wall for the last three years. There are a lot of rumors floating around about me—some good and some exaggerated. The last thing I want any of you to believe is that I’m this great messiah that came to free you all from the shackles the system has tied you to. Yes, you’ve been chained for centuries, but it was your will to fight and stand up for yourselves that got you your freedom,” I paused and looked down at my hands. “I may have lit the fire, but I also burned many of you. I lost many wonderful friends to this cause that I’m still trying to forgive myself for.”
My eyes wandered to Sebastian as I said, “The Brooklyn Pack of New York, took me in when I was lost, and I took from them tenfold. They lost all of their Lunas because I led a rebellion when they weren’t prepared.” I faced the camera head on. “That’s why I’m here. Times are changing and we’re in more danger now than ever. Lunas, if you want to step up and defend your people, your world once again, come to Brooklyn. Join a Pack that will respect you, give you the opportunities you deserve, with a leader who is ready to face a new era for the Lycan—and I’ll be here—to guide you when needed.” I winked. “So if you’re ready, let’s kick some ass.”
The recording was distributed to all Packs in North America and Europe. Within a three-day span, Lunas arrived in New York City in droves. So much so, that some had to be turned away because they no longer had any space.
“Who is the best girlfriend in the whole wide world?” I gloated as Sebastian and I stood on the second floor landing of the warehouse. Down below, there was no space to stand around and watch. All the cafeteria tables were pushed against the walls, and mats covered the ground to facilitate the trainings.
“Your humility is to be admired,” Bash gave me side eye.
I nudged him. “I’m glad I could help. It’s about time I did something good for your Pack.” He leaned in to kiss me when…
“Ace!” someone yelled from the entrance of the warehouse. I looked over and my jaw dropped as I watched a young woman run through the throngs of Lunas, waving her hand in my direction. The brightest, toothy smile peered up at me and I jumped off the second floor, landing a few feet before her. Emma nearly knocked me over as she wrapped her arms around my middle. Her strawberry blonde hair was long and picked up in a high ponytail. She no longer had that lanky, boyish figure, and she had…
“Are those boobs?” I screeched as I held her at arm’s length. “Did Roman let you get enhancements?”
“What? No!”
“Then how the hell, Kid?”
Her face reddened. “Shit, Ace, I’m thirteen. It’s called puberty.”
“Thirteen?” I scoffed. “You’re eleven in a half!”
She rolled her eyes. “That was almost two years ago, Ace. Keep up.”
Damn. Where the hell have I been?
“Did you really think I’d let her get a boob job?” Roman smirked as he came up behind her. With his relaxed California surfer swag, he strolled up to me and I didn’t hesitate. I pulled him into a hug and Emma wrapped her arms around the both of us. “Nice seeing you too, Ace.”
When I ran away to Los Angeles after being found by the Brooklyn Pack, Roman took me in per Lucian’s insistence. It was supposed to be temporary until I found my footing in the new city, but we connected. I was dealing with demons from my first kill after being thrown into this new world and I needed someone, so I wouldn’t feel so alone. Roman became that person for me. It’d been rocky at first—he’s a vampire for god’s sake—but I got over that. He introduced me to the SIU, recruited me as a detective, and taught me how to fight. Most of who I am today was thanks to him. At a time I was at my lowest, he helped me pick up the pieces. We went from platonic to romantic after a few months, but nothing serious. We were friends who wanted a relationship without the commitment—and it worked for a while. Eventually, I woke up from th
e fantasy and realized I could no longer hide from my life. I had to go back and face those demons I’d left behind in New York City.
“Finally, back together again,” Emma said as she looked up at us.
Sebastian cleared his throat.
“Oh! Rome, you remember Bash,” I said by way of introduction.
Roman stretched out a cold, pale hand to Sebastian. “Hey.”
The Alpha of the Brooklyn Pack stared at the vampire with such menace while Roman was as cool as a cucumber. Oh Jesus.
After the longest pause in the history of pauses, Bash gripped his hand and I breathed.
“What brings you to the East Coast?” Bash asked.
Roman shrugged. “After word of Ace’s call of arms, it was either bring Emma, or have her run off during the daytime.”
I narrowed my eyes at the little Luna. “Is this true, Emma?”
“You think I’d miss this? Not a chance, Ace. I missed the Luna revolution, I’m not sitting this one out.”
“Yes, you are.”
“Bullshit,” she stomped her foot.
“Language!” I reprimanded.
“Come on, Ace! I already shifted for the first time and I went through my Vision Quest. I’m totally ready. I can kick some serious ass now!” she whined.
My eyes widened at the news she’d shifted. I’d spent some time with her and Roman when I first got back from Scotland, but this was news to me. When had this happened? Why didn’t she tell me?
“When did this happen?” I asked Roman.
“Less than a month ago.”
I twisted my mouth to the side. “Emma, you’re not ready.”
“I know more than these old-ass Lunas,” she jerked her thumb behind her.
She said it a little too loud and many of those ‘old-ass Lunas’ turned around and glared.
“My bad,” Emma muttered and whispered to me. “Seriously though, aren’t they like in their thirties?”