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Queen of the Lycan Page 2

  I tapped my finger on the table and stared at it for a whole minute before saying, “Do they not realize the gravity of the situation they’re in?” I peered up at Alexander and Ranulf, whose attention snapped my way.

  “How do ye mean, Princess?” Ranulf asked.

  “The Council—don’t they realize the precarious situation they’re in?”

  Alexander let out an awkward chuckle. “I don understand what ye mean, darling.”

  I shrugged. “I’ll be their Queen in less than a week. That means this council will no longer be coined the King’s Council, but the Queen’s Council. In that case, every position on the Council is to be filled by those I deem trustworthy enough to guide me, and I don’t trust a single one of those old bastards.” I raised a brow. “Are you following me now?”

  “Keep yer voice down!” Ranulf peered around the room and practically jumped across the table to shut me up.

  “Mind yer tongue, Mackenzie,” Alexander reprimanded with a dangerous glint in his eye. “Yer nae Queen yet.”

  “The ones who should be minding their tongues is them! They can be replaced just like that.” I snapped my fingers and gave a wicked grin.

  I knew I was playing a dangerous game, but it was true, nonetheless. Once the Council became mine, I didn’t care how many monarchs they’d served, they wouldn’t be serving under me. Especially not after the chilly welcome I’d received this week.

  “Are we done here? I have to get to hair and make-up.” Without waiting for an answer, I pushed back from the table and stood from my chair.

  Alexander waved me off. “Yer dismissed.”

  I’m probably giving him more gray hairs.

  Without a backward glance, I left the council room and darted down the hallway, ignoring all the portraits with judging eyes, and hurried for the stairs. I might have been all sass and confidence back there, but it didn’t mean I wasn’t nervous. I had to be Mackenzie Grey on steroids around here and I didn’t like it. If I didn’t stand up for myself, no one would.

  Bash and I had the whole guest wing to ourselves until my coronation. Once I became Queen, we would move to the King’s quarters, which would then be known as the Queen’s quarters. Alexander would be moved to a different set of quarters somewhere in the castle.

  I felt bad leaving Bash behind the last few days while I ran from meeting to meeting, but luckily, he attended every event with me as my date. When I entered our bedroom, I found him standing in front of the floor-length mirror in a tuxedo, looking all kinds of dashing.

  I gave a hearty whistle. “Well damn, you’re looking hot.” I walked in and kicked off my shoes.

  He grinned at me from the mirror. “Why, thank you. I can’t wait to see you in your dress.” There was a mischievous twinkle in his ocean blue eyes as he smirked. “And then I can’t wait to take it off.”

  I laughed. “Dirty, dirty man.” I flung myself onto our massive king-sized bed and bounced on the comforter and pillows that felt like they were ripped from cloud nine.

  “Rough day?” he asked as he adjusted his bow tie.

  “The worst,” I grumbled, my face stuffed into a pillow. I lifted up my head. “I had an outburst today.”

  Bash peered over his shoulder with a raised brow. “Mackenzie …” he scolded.

  “I tried!” I sighed and leaned on my elbows. “I really, really did. But if they don’t respect me now as a princess, why would they once I’m Queen? They think they can walk all over me, that they can manage me and rule through me, but no way. That’s not how shit’s gonna go down.” I felt my blood pressure rising again.

  “I agree.” Bash nodded. “But why don’t you wait until after your coronation before you start laying down the law, okay?”

  I flopped my head down on the mattress and sighed again. He was right, as usual. It was all about timing, and right now wasn’t the time to make waves. They could take my crown from me or extend the period before my coronation if they really wanted to make me suffer. I needed to be more careful and not let my temper get the better of me.

  Bash leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. “You’ll find your footing, Mackenzie,” he murmured encouragingly.

  “What about you, Prince Consort?” I grinned at his new title. “Are you finding your footing?”

  Bash sat on the edge of the bed and unbuttoned his suit jacket so it wouldn’t get wrinkled. I propped up on one elbow and rested my head on my hand, awaiting his response.

  “I won’t lie to you, it hasn’t been easy this week,” he admitted thoughtfully. “Because of my upcoming title, I can’t work with the King’s Guard and I can’t join the Council yet. I’ve just been floating around aimlessly, which makes me antsy.” He rubbed his hands together and I felt shitty all over again for abandoning him like I have.

  “I’m sorry, Bash,” I muttered, reaching for him. “It’s almost over. After Sunday, things will be different, I promise.” At least I hoped they would be. Bash gave up a lot to follow me to Sheunta Village. He was Alpha of the Brooklyn Pack back in New York City, and now … he was Prince Consort to the future Queen. It wasn’t really an upgrade.

  He gave me a boyish grin. “I know, Mackenzie. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”

  Bash stood from the bed and buttoned his suit jacket again, adjusting his clothes in the mirror. “I have to get going, and I’m sure you have to start getting ready,” he said pointedly, looking at me through the mirror.

  “Yeah, I know, I know.” I jumped up from the bed. “See you later?”

  He nodded and strode across the room, closing the door softly. I wandered the bedroom with an uneasy feeling in my gut. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do right now except get ready for the Blood Moon event.


  Decked out in my dark green mermaid dress, emeralds galore, and a pair of gold heels, I carefully made my way from the dressing room to the guest wing where I knew Bash was waiting to escort me to the ballroom.

  I was still wobbly in these heels, but as long as Bash held on to me tonight, I was sure I wouldn’t fall flat on my face. It was my biggest fear. Especially since we had to descend the grand staircase to get down to the ballroom floor.

  Ana walked me to the guest wing and we strolled into the living room area where Bash was sitting on the sofa waiting for me. He shot up to his feet at the sight of me.

  “Mackenzie,” he greeted, his gaze roving over my body from head to toe. “You look gorgeous.”

  He looked stunned, and I took a moment to preen under his gaze.

  “This old thing?” I pointed to the tight dress that I could barely walk in and gave a little twirl. “It was just collecting dust in the back of my closet.”

  He smirked, not believing me for a second. “Are you ready?”

  “Yup.” I turned to Ana. “Thank you so much, Ana. Please let me know how I can ever repay you.”

  “Thank ye, Princess.” She patted my hand and transferred me to Bash, then quietly left the room.

  I looked up at Bash to see his eyes glued to my ruby red lips. “Hey!” I snapped my fingers. “Eyes up here, big guy.”

  He cleared his throat. “Let’s get going before we …” He let the statement hang, unfinished, but I knew where his mind was. Bash took my arm in his and escorted me from the room.

  The Blood Moon happened only twice a year and was celebrated by the Lycan because of the strength it imbued to us during its presence. Our lupine gifts were heightened even more than usual, as well as other things. Usually, the pack back home celebrated it the same way they did every other full moon, by converging at Cadwell Estate—the residence of the Alpha of the Northeast—but they were fancier here in Sheunta Village. The Blood Moon gave them an excuse to make an event out of something and dress up in diamonds and tuxedos. For me, it was torture. I’d rather go to the forest and shift, but whatever.

  Bash and I arrived at the ballroom where the double doors were flung wide open to admit its illustrious guests. One of the King
’s Guard was there waiting to announce our arrival. This was one of the parts I dreaded most. I would much rather slip in unnoticed, but unfortunately everyone and their mother needed to know the Princess had arrived.

  We stopped at the top of the grand staircase overlooking the ballroom floor. I could barely see an inch of the marble floor because it was crammed with Lycans and a smattering of others from the village who received special invitations. Not only Lycans lived in Sheunta Village; there were also witches and vampires, to name a couple.

  The guard beside us cleared his throat and then bellowed out, “Princess Mackenzie MacCoinnich and Sebastian Steel.”

  I hated that they didn’t incorporate my last name of Grey – the one I’d carried my entire life. In their eyes, I was automatically a full-fledged MacCoinnich and Grey no longer existed. It was infuriating.

  The ballroom quieted and all gazes turned in our direction as Bash and I descended the stairs. Bash held on to me tightly so I wouldn’t fall; there weren’t enough thank you’s in the world to show my appreciation.

  At the far end of the room was the throne, which had been brought in from the throne room, and Alexander was already seated with Ranulf standing at his side. I cautiously made my way over with Bash, the crowd parting like the Red Sea for us. Once we stood in front of Alexander, Bash and I dropped to one knee, which – might I add – was awkward as fuck in that mermaid dress. We lowered our heads and placed a fisted hand over our hearts to show loyalty to our King.

  All these little traditions were things I’d only learned over the past week and had already put into practice on more than one occasion.

  “Rise,” Alexander commanded. We both stood, Bash keeping a hand on my elbow to help me rise. “Let the celebration commence!” he announced to the whole ballroom, eliciting a round of boisterous cheers.

  Bash and I relaxed, knowing our official duty for the night was complete. We were just about to step away and find a table when Alexander narrowed his eyes on me and hooked a finger, motioning me toward him.

  “Wait here,” I whispered to Bash and stepped closer to Alexander. “Yes?” I said sweetly as I reached the throne.

  “Come closer, Mackenzie.” He motioned for me to come stand beside him.

  I furrowed my brows but did as I was told, standing on the opposite side of Ranulf. I leaned down so I could talk privately to Alexander.

  “That was nae the dress I chose for ye,” he said knowingly, though he didn’t sound upset.

  I bit my lower lip. “I know, but that dress was ugly so I changed it.”

  His gray eyes twinkled with mischief. “I heard ye tore it apart.”

  Damnit. Those lunas snitched on me! But of course they would. He was the freakin’ King. Their loyalty lay with him, not some upstart Princess who only arrived in their land a week ago.

  “Are you mad?” I asked the important question. “I’ll pay you back for the dress.” I didn’t know how much it cost, but it was probably more money than I had. If it was, I would give him what was left in my bank account.

  Alexander grunted, “I don care about the money, Mackenzie. Ye should have just told me ye did nae like the dress.”

  I narrowed my eyes on him. “Let’s be real, Alexander, would you really have listened?” I glanced down at his traditional kilt and back at his face, then looked pointedly at the gold crown atop his head. “You’re not necessarily fashion forward.”

  He pressed his lips together and grumbled, “This is tradition.”

  I rolled my eyes. I was just messing with him, and boy, was he easy to mess with! “Kilts are cool, Alexander. I’m just pulling your leg.”

  He grunted and his cheeks turned rosy. “Next time—”

  “No,” I cut him off. “I don’t need your royal approval on what I wear to these events, Alexander. Are you afraid I’ll show up in ripped jeans and a Rolling Stones t-shirt? Because have no fear, I won’t. I know what to wear. I don’t need your stamp of approval. I’m a big girl.” I squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. “Relax, Alexander. I won’t let you down. Just look at me now. I look smokin’.” I backed away with a smirk and gave a little twirl.

  He huffed and waved me off like he was done with my shenanigans.

  With a shrug, I sashayed back to Bash, laughing at how easy it was to rattle Alexander, and took him by the hand. He smiled down at me and instead of finding a table, he led me to the dance floor. Twirling me around, he pulled me against his chest and held me tight, swaying side to side to the slow song playing.

  “You never want to dance.” I frowned at him. “Who are you?”

  Bash shrugged. “I’m in a mood.”

  I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I dig it.”

  We danced for a couple songs and I lost myself in the moment. I was surprised Bash even wanted to, since he wasn’t the dancing type. The only reason he danced with me on my twenty-fourth birthday was because of a miscommunication between me and Jonah, so it was a total fluke. Plus, if it hadn’t been required by tradition, he would have stayed as far away from the dance floor as possible.

  “May I cut in?”

  A delicate British accent made me lift my head from Bash’s chest. I looked over at who was standing there and my face erupted in a smile.

  “Lucian!” I shrieked and practically jumped on him as I hugged him tightly.

  Lucian wasn’t a random vampire who sought shelter in the village, he was my friend who had helped me out of several scrapes back home. He used to be the Head Vampire of New York City until he sided with me against his own people; an evil group of vampires who needed to be stopped. They exiled him for his actions, and now he was hiding in Sheunta Village. It was the only safe place for him. I hadn’t seen him in months. His cold, stony frame held me just as fiercely as I held him.

  He also happened to be Alexander’s best friend and was there for my biological mother, Adaline, when she needed someone the most. Part of me thought – even though it had never been confirmed – that Lucian actually loved Adaline just as much as Alexander did. It was because of his love for her that when the Brooklyn Pack discovered me so many years ago as a lone wolf, he helped me hide from them when I didn’t want to join a pack. I owed Lucian far more than I could ever repay.

  I pulled back and gripped the arms of his suit jacket. “Where have you been?”

  His tuxedo was impeccably tailored, and his blond hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail at the nape of his neck. He grinned wolfishly. “You’ve been busy, Pet. I couldn’t disturb the Princess while she was performing her duty.”

  I sighed. “Alexander told you to stay away.”

  “Of course not! He just informed me that you’ve had a lot on your plate, but I wouldn’t miss the Blood Moon event and pass at a chance to say hello.”

  “I’ve missed you.” My eyes started to get glassy and I shook him a little.

  “I’ve missed you too, Pet.” He booped me on my nose and offered me his hand. “Now, may I have this dance?”

  I looked back at Bash to see him smiling. “Go on, I’ll find us a table.”

  I turned to Lucian and took his hand, letting him lead me to the center of the dance floor. We swayed to the music and Lucian bent his neck until his mouth was close to my ear.

  “And what trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?”

  I snorted. “Me?” I said incredulously. “None. Everyone still has beef with me.”

  “Right …” he murmured. “A little birdie told me something about a wolf god?”

  I jerked back and looked up at Lucian’s perfect face. “How do you know about that?” My tone was deadly serious because I knew Alexander hadn’t told him about Fenrir. Everything had been kept top secret, only shared within the confines of the Council. Which meant …

  “I have my ways, Pet.” When he smirked, his dark eyes sparkled.

  I gritted my teeth. “Seriously, Lucian, who on the Council is feeding you information?”

  He tilted his head appraisi
ngly. “And who said they’re on the Council?”

  It had to be someone on the Council … except no one on the Council would ever fraternize with a vampire. They’d rather walk over hot coals than do that. So if it wasn’t them …

  The light bulb turned on. “It was a guard,” I announced knowingly.

  “They’re the eyes and ears everywhere in the castle, Pet. Remember that.”

  Son of a bitch! Not that I didn’t trust Lucian, because I did, but I didn’t want this information getting spread around. If one guard was willing to share information with Lucian, who else was he willing to share it with?

  Lucian twirled me around, pulling me from my thoughts and bringing me back toward him. “Have no fear, Pet, I don’t blab. But I am intrigued by this new development.”

  “Tell me about it,” I grumbled. “This guy is no joke, Luce. Even I couldn’t fight him.”

  He eyed me with a raised brow. “Well, someone certainly thinks highly of themselves.” When I slapped his chest, he only chuckled. “I’m only joking! I know you’re tough. So if you can’t take him on, that leaves a pretty short list of who possibly can.”

  I nodded in agreement and we lapsed into silence, pondering that thought. Fenrir worked me and Bash over without breaking a sweat or wrinkling his shirt. It was as if he was merely swatting a fly, like we were nothing. It was disturbing.

  Fenrir was coming to Scotland, and when he arrived, I was sure he would make a grand entrance to make himself known.

  “I’m here whenever you need me, Pet. You know that, right?” Lucian said right as the song ended. He took my elbow gently and escorted me from the dance floor.

  “I know. Thank you.” We made our way over to the table where Bash was sitting. “Will you be at my coronation this Sunday?”

  Lucian grinned. “As if anyone could stop me.”