Sins of the Fallen Read online

Page 17

  “Hey dad, can angels have sex with one another?” I asked. Jones breath hitched and my dad looked as if he’d swallowed a horse pill. You can always count on sex to add more tension to a conversation; but hopefully this change in topic would make things better. Or maybe not. The idea sounded much better in my head.

  “Well son um…well…why do you ask? Are you, uh, you know, uh are you?” Oh great, I made things so much better, now he was thinking I was having angel sex. Was there even a difference?

  “Well no, but Jones and Angela are having problems and I think it might be that.” The daggers that were being shot at me by Jones were scary. Wrong thing to say again. I swore, what was up with me tonight.

  “Oh, okay. Um, are you guys, uh, you know?” My father directed the question now to Jones.

  “I don’t think sex has anything to do with it Xavier. Ever since the burning she’s been off kilter and today she acted sort of crazy in school.” At the mention of school, Jones looked at me and I knew we were on the same page. Nobody did stuff like that unless they were jealous.

  “I’m just going to come right out and say it…she was acting like she wanted to mess up Max and Melanie’s relationship.” Jones seemed out of breath now that he got that load off his chest and I couldn’t say I blamed him.

  My dad’s eyes looked as if they were going to pop out and he paled.

  “Are you okay?” He jumped as if I startled him and the sweat beads formed on his forehead. I reached over to him but he flinched back, knocking his chair backwards. If he broke something, Mom was going to have a fit.

  “Dad? What’s wrong?” He unbuttoned his shirt and started backing away toward the sliding porch doors.

  “Nothing son, um, I’m going to go lie down. Long day at work. I’m sure she’s fine.” He rushed inside the house before I could say anything. What just happened?

  I turned back to Jones who looked just as perplexed, running his hands down his face. He was stressed and my dad’s reaction just confirmed that something was seriously wrong.

  “Dude, we have to do something and I think we should go see Jeremiel,” I said, hoping he would agree. I knew it was a risk going to see him but we needed to figure this out as well. My father was too good at keeping secrets and I was pretty sure he knew more about what was going on than he was telling. Angela seemed to be out of commission so that left Jones.

  “He’s the only one we can go to that we can trust. I would have mentioned the Devils Lair but those slimy bastards will just turn on us. Jeremiel seems like our only shot right now.”

  Sneaking out of my house was difficult. My mom could smell mischief a mile away, while my dad was all of a sudden paranoid about everything. But that wasn’t even the hard part. Angela’s stupid telepathy was the problem. Once I walked in my room to pack a bag, she was in my head. Jones warned me that she would try to contact me and taught me how to block her. He was a bit hesitant at first since this was how they took care of me. She goes inside my head and sees if I’m in trouble or not, and it really came in handy when I was kidnapped by that succubus. He made me promise that this was the only time I could block her out.

  I closed myself off to her just as I heard her whisper “I’m sorry.”

  I’m sorry too, but now was not the time and Jones was waiting for me at the park. I strapped my duffle bag across my chest and ran to the park. If I even thought about driving, I would wake my parents and Angela up with the sound of the engine.

  Once I arrived to the park, I didn’t even break a sweat and Jones was hanging out by the oak tree. We were a bunch of idiots. Both of us looked like we were about to rob a bank. Dressed from head to toe in black; the only thing missing were the ski masks.

  “My code name is Black Falcon and you can be Dark Chocolate.” Jones stared at me as if I’d lost my mind. I really missed the days when we joked around.

  “Why can’t I be Black Falcon? I’m actually black. And what’s with the Dark Chocolate? Are you trying to be racial because if so, I’m more of a caramel complexion, buddy,” he said as he pulled his sleeve up and pointed to his arm.

  “No, I’m heading the mission so I’m the Falcon. If you don’t like your code name then get a new one.”

  “Fine. Sweet Buns.” He started walking toward his car and I wanted to smack him upside the head.

  “No way, dude. I’m not calling you that. That’s just weird.” The smell of his leather interior hit me once I got in to the BMW and it made me scrunch up my nose. His car always smelled new; how he maintained it, I’d never know—but overall, the familiarity was comforting. It had been a while since I was in the Beamer.

  “Max, don’t argue with me. You’re just upset because I thought of it first.”

  Seeing the familiar entrance to the Port of Miami, the memories tried to flood back in but I had to keep them contained if I wanted Angela blocked from my head. Only God knew the length of her radio waves.

  The drive was actually shorter than last time or maybe it was because we had been joking around like old times.

  “Alright, Black Falcon, we’re here.” I reached in the backseat for my duffle and pulled out our walkie talkie’s. Hopefully my dad didn’t find them missing tonight. I had come across his stash of spy gear the night of the Devils Lair while we were looking for the first aid kit. I really should have been searching through his stuff years ago; I might have figured it out sooner. Or I might have come to the conclusion of being ninjas again or possibly spies.

  “Here you go, Sweet Buns. Clip that walkie to your belt and here is your passport and ID.”

  Shaking his head, he handed me the stuff back.

  “No need, Black Falcon. I called Jeremiel ahead of time and he sent his boat to pick us up. We just need to show our passports to border patrol.” And just like that, we bypassed the patrol and were off to the Bahamas.

  There were two crew members and about four rooms we could wander around in, very spacious and we had a lot of time to kill.

  “Jones, I’ve been curious…all those girls you’d been with, Angela doesn’t mind?” We had been sitting on the built in seats up on deck staring at the water. I had his full attention.

  “I’ve never been with any of those girls. The same rules apply to guardians; we can’t fraternize with humans. It’s forbidden.”

  “What about Anthony’s parties? You always take a girl to a bedroom.”

  He let out a heavy sigh and rubbed his forehead. “You’ve only ever heard of me erase someone’s memory but I can put memories in there as well. And that’s what I do as long as I have their consent before hand on what they expect to happen.” I stared off into the water trying to wrap my mind around what he said. It was sort of weird. All the girls at school raved about Jones and in reality, he hadn’t done a thing with them. It was all in their minds. Huh.

  “Listen Max, what you think goes on between Angela and I isn’t exactly accurate, either. Yes, I like her and would like a relationship but in our field of work, it’s not possible. We can never have someone in our lives that is more important than the individual we’re guarding. I’ve let you believe something that isn’t true out of sheer jealousy.”

  “But you thought I was human, what did you have to be jealous of?”

  He chuckled.

  “Oh Max, there is tons to envy. It had nothing to do with you liking Angela. While I care for her deeply, you will always come first. What I envied was your life.” The silence between us was heavy—only interrupted by the waves splashing against the boat.

  “Xavier raised you to live a perfect human life. Think about, we never found out about your origin until you got angry. It’s crazy that you’ve never been upset like that in all the seventeen years you’ve been alive. And I wish I had that. I didn’t want to die, I wanted to live a full life and die of old age. But I’m stuck. I’ll live forever now until I die protecting you because honestly, you’re the last person I will ever guard in my existence. You’re stuck just like me.” His laugh was bitter,
staring off into the distance, lost in his own thoughts.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered. Things were making more sense. I never understood why he could dislike me so much but now I got it. I had everything he ever wanted but couldn’t have. It probably hurt everyday having to deal with all my petty human problems when he was battling something so much bigger. Protecting me from afar would have been much easier and when I finally found out his secret, he could do just that.

  “Why did you befriend me again? It seems like it’d be better if we weren’t close.”

  “It would have. Don’t get me wrong, spending these couple years as your friend had made me form a bond with you. It was definitely hard to push that away when I did, but when we found out you were Nephilim, I felt bad for you. Regardless of the life you’ve lived, it has never been your fault. And to have your life ripped away from you unexpectedly, well, I know what that’s like. I misjudged you and for that, I should be the one to say sorry.” I nodded to accept his apology even though I didn’t feel like I needed one. Yeah, he wasn’t there when I needed him as a friend…but I had this feeling of us all being a pawn to some game that we didn’t know about. There had to be a bigger picture that we were not seeing.

  “What are you thinking?” He said bringing me out of my thoughts.

  “Honestly, I don’t know.”

  We anchored at the dock behind Jeremiels mansion three hours later. The ride over here was revealing and we got to hang out like old times.

  As we climbed off the boat, Jeremiel was waiting for us by the outside door that led to his library with a gleam in his eyes.

  I couldn’t resist the smile that stretched on my face or the hug I gave him. With equal enthusiasm, he returned my embrace, patting me on the back several times.

  “My boy, what brings you back here so soon? Come in, come in, please.” Ushering us in to the library’s sitting area, Sweet Buns and I took a seat. Like last time, women came in with trays, offering us champagne. I politely declined while I had to nudge Jones to pick up his jaw and stop gawking at their figures. He shook his head to clear it out and declined as well. Jeremiel walked in and sat in the same seat as last time, across from me.

  “I have a feeling this isn’t an ‘I’ve missed you’ visit, please prove me wrong.” The look on his face was grave which made me even more nervous to ask.

  “Well, I haven’t introduced you to my other guardian. This is Jones but he also goes by the name of Sweet Buns.” They shook hands but Jeremiel never took his eyes off me. I let out a nervous chuckle that I had to quickly cover up with a cough. One of his eyebrows shot up in a questioning look.

  “Allergies, I get this weird tickle in my throat.” I pointed to my adam’s apple and swallowed.

  “You don’t get allergies, Maximillion. You’re Nephilim; now stop jerking me around and tell me why you’re here.” Great. I let out a breath and let the verbal diarrhea gush out.

  “Something bad is going to happen, someone’s going to die, I see it in my dreams or they’re more like nightmares I don’t know but people are acting strange, the archangels are protecting me now, but not anyone else, and I just really need your help.” My chest began to heave after unloading without taking a breath.

  “I guess you got a lot going on and you don’t miss me.” His shoulders slumped and his eyes drifted off to the side. Geez, if we were actually related, I see where I got my dramatics from.

  “Who wouldn’t miss coming here?” I said matter-factly.

  “Well you better have because if not I won’t help you.” The grin on his face came back and relief washed over me. He was going to help us.

  “I don’t know if there’s much I can do for you Max, but I’ll try. If the archangels are helping you now, I don’t see why I can’t either.” Hopefully he was right because the last person I wanted to get into trouble was him. “Now don’t you worry yourself with the nightmares and the fact that someone might die. I’d be lying if I told you there wouldn’t be any bloodshed because in a war, there always is. I will give you some tea potions before you leave that will keep the nightmares away. Now who is acting strange?” He looked at Jones but I shook my head. It was definitely not him. At the moment, he was my only ally.

  “I think my dad is keeping stuff from us and it’s really eating him up. He’s just different and Angela is acting strange as well.” I told him about what happened at school and he sat back and listened tentatively.

  His gaze went to Jones and he asked, “You’re her mate?”

  Jones nodded in response. “Sort of.”

  “Have you noticed any other changes in her?” Jeremiel asked him and Jones looked at me through the corner of his eye. A bit uncomfortable, he shifted in his seat.

  “Uh, yeah she has always been in control of herself. She wants something she gets it. Lately that hasn’t been the case with a lot that’s been happening and she’s been flipping out. The best way I can explain it is she’s been acting…like a girl. Like those envious and conniving girls at school. I’ve never seen this side of her.” Jones looked down at the ground in defeat. This must have really been bugging him and if she was acting like that, then this had to be serious. One thing I knew was that Angela was definitely no girl. She was a beast.

  “How long has she been acting like this?” Jeremiel asked and I told him about the night I accidentally burnt her, which brought up Azrael and I went on explaining that too.

  One of the girls with the trays came by and I finally accepted some water. All that talking made me parched.

  “Wow Max, you were going to keep all that from me? I’m pretty sure there’s more to this story but I’m almost too afraid to ask.” Giving him a sheepish look, I shrugged because there was more…like Aiden and the incident at the Devils Lair.

  “I know what’s going on but I cannot tell you two. Both Xavier and Angela’s problem is one of the same. They don’t know it yet but I have a feeling they will very soon.” Jones and I perked up but the look on Jeremiels face was unwavering and I knew we weren’t going to get anymore answers than that.

  “There’s nothing we can do to help her? Help them? You got to give us more than that, please,” Jones leaned in with his hands on his knees, pleading with his eyes. With that look, I was going to start begging for him as well.

  And that’s when realization hit.

  I had an epiphany.

  Jones was in love with Angela. How did I not see this? He had been really worried for her and now he was begging for scraps of information. He was trying to save her life.

  Even though he said he’d put my life over hers always, I didn’t think that was completely accurate. Looking at his face, I noticed the worry lines and glossy eyes, features I’d never seen on him before.

  “Come on, you got to throw us a bone here. If something is going to happen to either of them, we have to at least try, please,” I said as I looked over at Jones and saw him facing the ground. Tear drops were falling and I knew in that instant that whatever happened, I would never come between them. They might not be officially together but she deserved to be loved by someone like him. That all-consuming love that I didn’t think I could give her. Not that I wasn’t willing but I was only seventeen and she was beyond a women. She needed a man—she needed Jones. “Please Jeremiel,” I begged.

  “Listen boys and listen REAL good. I can’t tell you and trust me I truly want to, but this is something that she is trying to figure out and she needs to do it alone. Xavier knows but can’t say much either unless she asks the right questions. She’ll eventually go to him because she looks up to him like a father. You just have to let them deal with it. It’s nothing life or death.” His eyes narrowed and darted between Jones and I. I had a feeling we were supposed to take what he said literally so I nodded my head up and down slowly. Pressing my lips together and showing how confused I really was, he belt out a laugh or more like a hoot since it scared the crap out of us.

  “Oh Maximillion, you will figure it out soon enough
if you haven’t already. I’m sure of it.” Jeremiel stood up and patted me on the shoulder as he stepped out of the library. Jones turned to me and I could see his tear stained eyes.

  “What was that about?”

  “I think he pretty much told us they’re not going to die, Sweet Buns.” I was going to slap him on the back but I stopped in midair when the realization came to me. It was either me or Jones. I didn’t care what the archangels said, I could still die. Aiden stated, I was really young and unprepared. I was at risk.

  Letting my hand fall, I leaned back and thought of all the scenarios that could bring my death. What if I lost control and ended up burning myself to ash. The person in my nightmare died by fire and there was no way Jones would get himself killed.

  “Max?” Meeting his eyes and seeing the tears at the rim of his eyelids; I saw he came to the same conclusions I did. “Take care of her for me.”

  I started shaking my head, no, no way.

  “Jones it’s not you, man trust me when I tell you, you’re fine. I know who it is now and it’s not you.” I looked away not wanting him to see me. The truth of it all was too much. I should have known. I’d been the one having the nightmares and the fire in my dreams could have been symbolic. I could die by my own devices. It all made sense now.

  My palms prickled with sweat and I wiped them off on my black cargo pants as I stood up. Still not looking at him, I turned and headed for the door. Jones was not far behind me but I stopped in mid step. Jeremiel was standing in the doorway back to the docks. He had been listening the whole time. The pity on his face was evident and it only confirmed my suspicions. Jones tensed up next to me and I thought he’d break his neck as fast as he turned to me, wide eyed.

  “No! No Max, it’s not –”

  I put my hand up to stop him. I didn’t want to hear it. “Don’t worry about it, Sweet Buns –” I gave him a sly smile. “Let’s get home before mom and dad call the Army on us.”

  We said goodbye to Jeremiel who hugged me as if it were our last and the melancholy of the situation choked me up a bit. I was only seventeen but I had to be ready and strong—for everyone.