The Sword of Souls Page 16
He pulled my hands away from my face. “What’s so hard to understand, Raven? That I could actually care about you? Is that really so crazy?”
I shook my head. It was crazy, but I couldn’t say it aloud. Fen and I had been enemies since we met. Anything else sounded absurd. But I couldn’t deny how he’d treated me and how he took me in after everything. And after it all, I fuckin’ trusted the bastard.
“We have no one, Fen. I’ve tried going to my sisters. They won’t help.”
He threw his napkin on the table. “I figured as much. You valkyries never liked to get your hands dirty when it mattered.”
My face reddened. “I did speak to Hildr. She said something I didn’t understand. I haven’t thought about it until now.”
“What did she say?”
I bit my bottom lip. “She told me to find the others. I don’t know what she means though. And she said it in secret.” I explained to him how she had whispered it in my ear and then covered her right eye as she backed away so our sisters couldn’t see. When I finished explaining, we sat in silence for a few moments.
“It definitely sounds like it has something to do with Odin,” Fen said as he covered his right eye. “The whole eye thing is a giveaway.”
“I don’t want to pay him a visit, not yet.”
“You might have to,” he said. “I think Hildr was giving you something since they couldn’t help. This could be something, Raven.”
I shook my head. “But it won’t help us find Charlie, Will, and Verdandi.”
“It’s a start, and that’s what we need.” Fen began to collect the dinner plates.
He was right. I’d given up too easily on my friends and I needed to try harder.
They were out there, and I needed to find them. And I would.
Also by Karina Espinosa
Mackenzie Grey: Origins Series
Mackenzie Grey: Trials Series
From the Grave
The Last Valkyrie Series
The Last Valkyrie
Sins of the Fallen Series
Sins of the Fallen
About the Author
Join my Facebook group, Karina’s Kick-Ass Reads to learn more about future projects, as well as stay up to date with the next book in The Last Valkyrie series.
About the Author
Karina Espinosa is the Urban Fantasy author of the Mackenzie Grey novels, and The Last Valkyrie series. Infatuated with travel, pop culture, and the need to write everything down, she spends much of her days in front of a computer working on her next book, shopping online, and listening to music. With nomadic tendencies, she is currently resting her head in South Florida until the itch to move strikes again. You can usually catch her on Facebook, Instagram, and live-tweeting during episodes of Game of Thrones. Follow her on social media!
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