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- Karina Espinosa
Sins of the Fallen Page 14
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Page 14
“I’m sorry, dad,” I whispered and he didn’t answer as he looked away from me. An awkward silence filled the room. I hated having to bring it up but if I didn’t now, I never would. “Azrael was there.”
Three sets of eyes stared back at me, wide eyed.
Not again.
“She said she wanted to show her loyalty to me and inform me that one of us was going to die.” Groans from left to right came in and I couldn’t move. Waiting for another sharp object from Angela, Jones was the first to attack.
“Max you didn’t think to come straight home and tell us? This is serious! The Angel of Death knows when we all kick the bucket for good and if one of us is, we need to know!” Everyone’s face scrunched up with worry and I felt like an idiot.
The sound of my mother’s car pulling into the garage caught our attention and we quickly moved to my dad’s study.
“I say we go to the Lair tonight and try to do some digging around,” Angela said as she closed the door behind us.
“I second that. Maybe we can finally figure out this huge mess,” Jones chimed in.
“I want to go too,” I blurted out before the conversation could progress.
“I don’t th—” Jones began but my father cut him off.
“Fine. But you stick to the shadows and let Angela and Jones do all the talking. Do I make myself clear?” I nodded in agreement.
We drove to The Devils Lair in Angela’s Jeep and from the look of it, the place was packed. It was much different at night than during the day when I had come with Aiden.
I had my black hoodie over my head so no one could recognize me and I stayed close between my guardians.
We passed the pool hall and into a lounge where very few people were seated compared to the front of the bar. Angela led the way to a back door and we went in without knocking. We stopped in front of a giant that appeared to be the bouncer. He took his sunglasses off and gestured to Angela.
“Spread em,” he grunted as he patted each of us down for weapons. “There’s a rune drawn in the room so you can’t use any of your abilities, just an FYI,” he grinned and let us pass. That made me feel uneasy. We were unarmed for whatever could happen.
Once we made our way into the room, there were four guys at a table playing poker.
That was it.
No windows, doors, posters, nothing. Just the four guys and a poker table. The lights were dimly lit and the feeling of being in a horror movie crawled into my mind.
Damn those late nights watching The Exorcist.
Angela cleared her throat and it caught the attention of one of the players. A scrawny looking kid stood up who couldn’t be no more than eighteen. Then again I never expected Angela to be so old. He clapped his hands in front of him.
“Sorry boys, I’m going to have to conclude this game, I have some unexpected visitors.” The other three gentlemen murmured obscenities as they collected their chips and went out the door. I couldn’t get a good look at them as they exited the room.
“If this isn’t a blast from the past. What brings you around my neck of the woods?” He walked up to Angela and gave her a hug. I guess they were friends. I was looking at the ground but I saw him approach Jones and give him a firm handshake.
“Raum, we need to ask you some questions about a certain myth. Maybe you can help us out.” I snuck a peak from my hoodie and saw him watching me. I quickly looked back down.
“Sure, let’s have a seat.”
Angela grabbed my elbow and directed me over to the table.
“What do you know about the Nephilim?” Raum—I was assuming that was his name—let out a long whistle.
“You don’t waste any time. I’m guessing this hooded fella over here is the seventh one?” I peered up to see the smirk on his face and I pulled the hoodie off my head. No sense in hiding anymore.
“Don’t worry kid, your disguise is okay. There’s just nothing that goes on in my Lair that I don’t know about. And well you did come here earlier today.”
Angela glared at me, still upset about this afternoon.
“So, what do you guys want to know?”
Jones perked up, probably excited to finally get down to business.
“Who and why they’re after him.”
Someone’s not beating around the bush.
“Okay, first, my information doesn’t come cheap so keep that in mind my fellow guardians. Secondly, I’ll start with the why and then the who.” He straightened up and leaned on the table as if he were letting us in on a huge secret. Actually he was. “There’s been a bounty on this kids head since the day he was born.” He pointed at me. “The only reason all this drama is stirring up now is because some stupid succubus figured it out and alerted the freakin’ media. She found it odd that a guardian—I’m talking about you Jones—was going to high school and she did some searching around.
Now they’re after our young Nephilim here because he is the last key to free us all.” Angela was still holding on to my elbow as she tensed up, grabbing me tighter.
“The seven Nephilim are the balance between Heaven and Hell. Once they start swaying more towards Hell, well let’s just say the balance gets disturbed. So you can only imagine how many fallen angels want to get off this God-forsaken place and head home.”
The gleam in his eyes made me realize he might be one of those fallen angels. I knew I was supposed to keep my mouth shut but I couldn’t help it.
“You’re one of them, aren’t you?” I could feel Angela’s grip on me and if she squeezed any tighter I was going to lose a limb tonight.
“Yes Max, I am. You’re my ticket out of here.” In unison, Jones and Angela stood up, kicking our chairs back. Before we could make a run for it, the bouncer was standing in front of the door. There was no way out.
“Let us out, Raum. This isn’t your fight.” Angela stood in front of me taking a protective stance.
“Oh my darling Angela, but it is.” He leaned on the table, looking at us in amusement. “I’m just sorry it had to be you I’m up against. I actually like you, but my freedom overrides that. I’m ready to go back to Heaven and if this kid here is my ticket out, well, I told you my information doesn’t come cheap. Don’t worry though; he’s in no danger what’s so ever. Heck, on the contrary, he’ll be treated like a God.”
“I don’t get it Raum, why Max?”
“You were always so slow Jones. Listen to me carefully, they’re seven Nephilim. Three of them are good; the other three are pure evil. Max here is the middle man. He is the tip of the balance, whichever way he sways matters. Once we get the green light from Max, then we can overrun heaven because we’ll have the power.”
Jones nodded. “Okay, that’s all I had to hear before I smash your face.” Jones stepped in front of me next to Angela.
Raum started laughing. “Oh, you’ve always been quite funny. No, I’m sure the gentlemen behind you warned you that your abilities are no good here and yes that includes your super strength.”
We were trapped. The feeling of being stuck in a cage too small for my size washed over me and I knew this wasn’t good.
My ears clogged up with Raums laughter and it sounded as if it were miles away. I felt my right eye twitch as the anger in me boiled to an uncontrollable level. I could feel the rune trying to keep me at bay, but it was also giving me a hard time to breathe. The pressure on my chest felt like an elephant was sitting on it. I gasped for air as I dropped to one knee. What was wrong with me?
“Max!” I heard her but she sounded so far away. I tried popping my ears but the need for air was stronger.
That was when I felt it.
The fire was at my fingertips and it felt like boiling lava in the pit of my stomach. My eyesight went blurry as the blue fire spread up my arms.
I looked up to everyone staring at me; I would be embarrassed if I could see properly. Everything and everyone had a tint of blue and I was searching everyone’s face for the enemy.
Straightening to my full height, my eyes zoned in on Raum.
He was frightened.
He was saying something but I couldn’t hear. The closer I got to him, the farther away his voice became.
Was this what a bull felt when he saw red? The cloudy vision, salivating mouth, and the need to kill?
What if Angela tried to stop me again?
The thought was like being drenched in water. I looked over to Jones who nodded in understanding.
Raums eyes were wide in horror and I knew I had to take advantage of his fear.
“Unless you want me to burn this whole place to the ground, I suggest you let us out.” He swallowed the lump in his throat and gestured to the bouncer behind us.
Raum cleared his throat before he said, “Maximillion, you’ve impressed me. No one’s been able to break my rune, but I still can’t let you leave.” At that moment the bouncer came toward us at full speed.
Throwing punch after punch toward Angela, she swiftly dodged each one. Jones came up behind him, grabbing the back of his pants and flung him into the air. Angela waved her hand, freezing him in midair while Jones went in for the final blow. A devastating punch in the sternum and the bouncer went to the ground in a lump.
We didn’t expect what was coming our way.
The door burst open and a dozen of what I assumed were fallen angels, rushed in.
“You see my fellow guardians, our young Nephilim broke down my barrier which alerted some of my friends, sorry.” What I had mistaken for fear in Raum was really him stalling for time. The sneaky slim ball.
It all happened so fast. Angela pulled out two daggers from her boots and Jones grabbed me and positioned me in between them. The electricity that radiated around our bodies made me nervous. The air in the room constricted and filled with tension.
The fallen angels charged for us and Jones slammed his palms on the ground, sending over a mild earthquake as Angela charged through them with her daggers.
Standing in front to protect me, Jones attacked the two incoming angels that made it past her.
How can I just be standing here?
The speed at which everyone moved was frightening and exhilarating. All the movies I’d seen could had never prepared me for this.
This was real.
This was live action combat that wasn’t slowing down for me because I was scared.
The electric sparks were hitting my fingertips and I could feel the familiar fire wanting to come out. There had to be something else I could do besides burning this place down.
I didn’t have time to think of anything.
Angela was lying on her stomach with two Angels holding her arms to the side while another was on top holding her head back with a knife to her neck. She looked in my direction and closed her eyes. That was all the motivation I needed.
For the first time, the flames spread through my body instantaneously.
In three strides, I reached Angela’s assailant and grabbed him by the neck. He let her go as the fire came in contact with his face. Not knowing my own strength, he sailed across the room.
Angela got the break she needed as she broke free from the other two angels holding her down. We didn’t have time to speak as I was rammed in the side.
I skidded to a stop as I toppled over the poker table. Pushing it off, a guy so big, not only in height but in bulk hovered over me. He had long black stringy hair that was parted in the middle as it fell over his shoulders. His black eyes reminded me of demons but he wasn’t affected by my flames so he must have been something else.
Grabbing me by my ankle, he flung me to the wall and I felt a crack in my head as it bounced off the concrete. He was strong. My vision faded in and out and I didn’t get the chance to stand. He got a hold of my neck and held me above ground. The coopery taste in my mouth told me I was bleeding as I held onto his wrist, hoping to break free.
He laughed, “Your fire doesn’t work on me kid.” He squeezed tighter, cutting my air flow.
I heard Angela’s voice in my head. I gasped for air and couldn’t look for her but I could feel her. I closed my eyes, not worrying about breathing.
Crap, I’m not breathing. Am I dead?
Everything went black and an odd energy coursed through my veins. This was new. When I opened my eyes again, everything was blue. Letting go of his wrist, I took hold of his neck and squeezed with every ounce of power I had. His eyes bulged out as thick black ooze started dripping from his sockets. Soon after, it was pouring out of his nose, ears, mouth, anywhere it could. His grip on me loosened and I fell to the ground still holding onto his neck.
The sight of him reminded me of when Angela knifed the Anderson twin the night of the party. Was he like her too?
I scanned the room and saw Jones and Angela standing back to back, fighting off whatever angels were left, when the sound of trumpets began to play.
Everyone froze.
Coming from the darkness in the far corner of the room were two men and a woman. I recognized the woman in an instant. It was the Grecian goddess I met when I was unconscious. She smiled in my direction and all I could do was whisper a thank you to whoever was up there watching over us.
The two men were in robes with their hoods over their heads. They looked like monks. Of course in awkward situations like these, I wanted to laugh.
The man in the middle was the first to speak.
“You angels have proven why you’ve fallen in disgrace from the Heavens. Leave now, before I change my mind and decide to send you straight to hell.”
In a flash, they were all gone. The only ones still in the room were me, Jones, Angela and surprisingly Raum—who was standing by the door trying to open it. The three figures that emerged from the darkness walked closer to us.
Both Angela and Jones dropped to one knee and bowed their heads. Raum looked over his shoulder and rolled his eyes as he dropped to a knee also. The man in the middle spoke again.
“I didn’t expect you to be the one to defy me. Again.” Raum stood up to protest but didn’t have a chance. “Go to hell.”
At that moment, Raum was engulfed in flames, actual red and orange flames. His screams filled the room until he was nothing but ash.
The other cloaked man took his hood off and I stared into the eyes of my father. I ran up to him or at least I tried. The adrenaline rush had subdued and I felt every pain that coursed through my body. I dropped to my knees in front of him and he wrapped his arms around me. Not caring that I was sobbing like a girl, he held me and rocked me back and forth.
I didn’t understand my emotions. The rush from the fight was gone and I realized how truly scared I was.
“Maximillion,” the sweet voice of the goddess spoke my name as her hand fell gently on my shoulder. I watched as tears streaked my father’s face. I turned to her and she helped me to my feet.
“You may rise,” the man in the middle said. Both Jones and Angela stood up.
“It has been brought to our attention the severity of the situation. We apologize for not acting sooner.” He looked over to Xavier but my father’s face was stoic.
“Thank you, Samuel.” Jones took a step forward. “What’s going to happen now?”
“I’ll answer that.” The Greek goddess put her gentle touch on Samuels shoulder. “Hello, Maximillion. I’m glad to see you again, I’m just sorry it’s under these circumstances.” Everyone looked at me in surprise. “From this point on, beside your guardians, we will be protecting you.” She looked to everyone else. “Unfortunately we can’t say the same for the rest of you. So keep in mind that your lives are still at risk.” They all nodded their heads in understanding. Even my father.
“Wait, why? You can’t abandon them like this!”
“Max, stop,” Jones hissed as he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
“No! This isn’t fair, I don’t want this! I didn’t ask for any of this and no one is going to risk thei
r lives for it.” In desperation I shook my head as my breaths were getting heavy. I felt a panic attack approaching.
“Max, calm down. We’re guardians; we risk our lives every day to protect you. It’s no different.” Jones made sense but it didn’t matter.
“No, no you guys know what Azrael said. Someone is going to die.” I looked to the Greek goddess and Samuel. “Please protect them.”
She gave me a sympathetic look but Samuel didn’t quite budge.
“Azrael? What does she have to do with this?”
While Jones recounted our encounters with Azrael to Samuel, I looked over to Angela. She had been really quiet this whole time. She was looking around but at no one in particular.
Stop staring at me, Max.
She echoed in my head and I chuckled at her always knowing everything. She smirked and I looked away.
“I just don’t understand her motives. She’s supposed to be unbiased.” Samuels’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. “Lailah, do you know anything?”
The Greek goddess shook her head no. Lailah? Huh. That was a pretty name.
“Well I think its best that you all go home now and tend to your wounds,” Samuel dismissed us.
My father hadn’t arrived when the three of us made it home. We dodged my mom’s cries as we went straight to the study. I plopped myself down on his chaise lounge that reminded me of a psychiatrists office as I let out my first breath of relief. We all looked as if we got the snot beat out of us: clothes tattered and bruises forming, we could pass as homeless teenagers. The thought made me snort, catching their attention. Mainly Jones since Angela was already laughing at me.
“You know it’s not fair that you’re constantly in my mind. That’s an invasion of privacy and only supposed to be used in case I’m in danger.”
She didn’t respond, just nodded towards Jones whose back was facing us while he looked for the first aid kit on the shelves.
“Oh Jones, you might not want to wear bright red boxer briefs next time,” she said between breaths at the open hole right on his butt crack that revealed the red undies. Not able to hold it in anymore, we laughed to the point of tears.