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- Karina Espinosa
Legacy (Joey Santana Book 3)
Legacy (Joey Santana Book 3) Read online
Copyright © 2022 by Karina Espinosa
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Cover design by © Orina Kafe
Edited by Stacy Sanford
Copyright 2022 by Karina Espinosa
ISBN-13: 9798436638850
To my readers,
I’m sorry for all the cliffhangers. I promise this is the last time.
Probably not …
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
About the Author
Also by Karina Espinosa
About the Author
With all the chaos surrounding us, I stared at Magdalena as her calculating green eyes scrutinized me. It was unnerving how much she resembled me. She smirked. “And please, call me Maggie.” Her voice held all the confidence I didn’t possess in that moment. She stepped closer to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, tapping it gently, almost reassuringly. “Relax, Joey. I’ll get your friends out and save the day,” she said, her thick Spanish accent lilting over the English pronunciations.
“If you don’t, our deal is off,” I gritted between my teeth, already regretting everything about today. “I don’t trust you.”
She chuckled. “I don’t expect you to. You’d be especially naïve if you did.”
I jerked my shoulder out of her grip and glared. “If Kit comes out of that building harmed in any way …”
Maggie snorted derisively. “What are you going to do, little one? I cannot die.”
I growled. “Yeah, but I’m sure you can still feel pain.”
“Easy there, pup. I’m a friend … for now.” She grinned. “We can go head-to-head as soon as I get Kit and Eugenie out of Humans United’s clutches. Sound good?”
I frowned. “How do you know Eugenie is alive?”
Maggie scoffed. “They wouldn’t kill her this soon. Darius likes to talk a big game, but he wouldn’t kill one of your friends when he needs you on his side. Think, little wolf.” She tapped the side of her head, then pulled a receipt from her pocket. “Meet me at this gas station in the supe district in two hours.” With a saucy wink, she strode past me and marched toward the Humans United headquarters across the street where a mob of reporters waited at the entrance.
I watched as my doppelgänger, a mirror image of myself, walked into the lion’s den to save my friends … in exchange for my life. I was still at a loss for words.
Warily, I pulled my hood over my head once again and peered under it as I watched Maggie shove through the crowd of reporters calling my name, wanting a comment. Fooled by her appearance, they reached and grabbed for her, but she barely swerved. She elbowed her way to the double doors of the HU Building and the doors swung inward to allow her inside.
Now, I had to wait.
I strode inside the Humans United building with a sense of overbearing confidence that Joey Santana clearly lacked. I was greeted by a group of beefed-up human security officers ready to rumble, but I calmly walked up to them and held up a hand to stop them. Clearing my voice, I spoke with an American accent to make myself sound just like Joey.
“Excuse me, fellas, but before you try to pummel me to death, I’d like to speak to your leader.” I motioned forward. “Lead the way, please.”
“Without an appointment, you’re not allowed inside this building, supe,” one of the guards grunted disgustedly.
I smirked. If he only knew.
“I can assure you that Darius will want to see me … I believe he’s already expecting me, which means I do have an appointment. I doubt you’d want to make your master angry,” I chided. “Now go on, little puppy. Go fetch him for me.” Annoyed, I snapped my fingers to get them moving.
The guard took an angry, menacing step toward me but I stood stock still, looking away with a bored expression as I waited for his attack. Except it never came.
“Enough, boys,” a woman said as she exited the elevators. “Miss Santana has an appointment with Mr. Blackburn. Let’s not keep him waiting.”
I peered over at the woman, who was dressed impeccably in a tailored business suit and high heels that click-clacked against the tile floor, clenching a phone in one hand. For a human, she was a complete powerhouse.
“Yes, Ms. Williams.” The guard nodded before stepping aside to allow her to approach.
Ms. Williams? Who the hell is she? She must be an executive for Humans United.
“Ms. Santana?” She raised a perfectly arched brow at me expectantly. “If you’ll follow me.”
I smiled broadly. “Certainly.” As I passed the guard, I mocked, “Good boy. Now sit.”
I didn’t bother waiting for his reaction before following Ms. Williams back to the same elevator where she’d departed minutes earlier. It was located at the end of the elevator bank, which I assumed meant it was a private elevator. My theory was validated when she had to enter a code on a sleek black keypad to call the lift. The doors opened with a soft chime and we entered quietly, smoothly gliding to the top floor.
“I’m surprised you didn’t start a fight,” Ms. Williams said derisively as we made our way up. “I thought I would have to pull you away from a brawl, per your usual method.”
I sighed heavily, affecting my best angsty Joey vibe. “I’m not a one-trick pony, you know. Expect the unexpected.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes. That’s what makes me dangerous. Do try and remember that.” I winked at her and she flinched, which pleased me more than it should.
The elevator doors opened and she escorted me into a tastefully decorated reception area. Instead of the customary perky receptionist manning the front desk, it was empty. The office I assumed belonged to Darius was all glass, but the glass was frosted and I couldn’t see inside.
“He’s waiting for you,” Ms. Williams said as she motioned me to the office.
I nodded and opened the door, walking inside with my head held high, knowing there was nothing these fools could do to me.
The scenario was just as I expected. Joey’s human friend was off to the side, kneeling on the carpet and restrained as if he could possibly be a threat, with human guards surrounding him. Darius Blackburn stood near his desk, looking out his floor-to-ceiling windows onto the teeming streets of Hollywood.
“Well, look what we have here!” I closed the door behind me. “This looks like a party, and I’ve just arrived fashionably late.”
“Joey!” Kit yelled, his eyes snapping to me fearfully. “Run! Get out of here!”
Idiot. With great effort, I stopped from rolling my eyes. These kids really were useless.
“Don’t worry, Kitten, I’ll get you out of here.” I waved him off and he frowned, looking more confused than ever. Di
smissing him as the weakling he was, I turned my gaze to the head honcho. “All right buddy, let’s talk business.”
Darius Blackburn turned around to face me and I had to admit, he was quite a sight to behold. His most distinguishing feature? The claw marks slashed across his face. It was painfully obvious why Darius Blackburn hated the supernatural community. But that wasn’t my business, and unraveling his bad guy backstory certainly wasn’t why I was there.
“Joey Santana …” his lips savored my name. “When I call, you come. I like this relationship.” He grinned confidently.
I chuckled. “I’m easy like that.” I strode over to one of the seats across from his desk and plopped down, extending my legs and placing my feet on his desk. “But I’m none too happy about you taking my Kitten over there.” I motioned to Kit behind me.
Darius frowned distastefully at my boots lounging on his pristine desk. “Well, you can’t blame me. He’s your weakness, and I like to exploit them in the people I need.”
“Ah, yes, you’re one of those. Well, if that’s the case, then kill him and be done with it.” I casually waved off his threat and started cleaning my nails. “I don’t need that kind of baggage.”
“Jo-Joey?” Kit stuttered behind me. “What are you doing?”
“You think I won’t do it?” Darius pushed back, a calculating gleam in his eye.
I laughed. “Oh, no, I know you will. But this way, you’ll do my dirty work for me. So go ahead. Kill him. Get rid of my weakness so you have nothing left to exploit. Free me!” I turned around and peered at Kit over my shoulder, waving goodbye at him. “Bye bye, Kitten,” I pouted.
Darius cleared his throat, grabbing my attention again. “This is very unlike you, Joey. Are you trying to trick me?”
“Trick you?” I rolled my eyes. “Gods, no. I just don’t like having a collar around my neck, especially with a human tugging on a leash.” This was Joey’s biggest character flaw, her obsessive connection to these weaklings.
Darius crossed his arms, trying to see through my tactic. “You were once human.”
“Key word being once. It’s been a long, long time since I was human and felt any sense of humanity, and frankly, I don’t care for it. And I certainly don’t care for you.”
Darius stepped closer to me and leaned against his desk. “What about our deal? You promised to give me information on the supes in exchange for your friend.”
I tilted my head and stared up at him from my seat. “Did I though? Did I really?”
His jaw ticked and I knew he was getting frustrated with me. “You’re not getting out of here alive unless we come to an agreement,” he threatened.
I barked out a laugh. These measly humans, always thinking they can kill me.
“Give it your best shot, human.” I dragged my boots off his desk and stood. “You took my kitten, you took my seelie friend, and you’ve taken the Alpha. What makes you think I’ll let you leave here alive?”
With furrowed brows, Darius motioned for his guards. I felt them creeping up behind me, coming for me one at a time.
I ducked the initial swing, swiveling out of the first guard’s reach to meet the second guard’s assault, easily dodging the hits lobbed at me by the third guard. I didn’t take the offensive; instead, I danced around them fluidly, ducking and dodging their powerful arms.
One guard pulled a baton from his tactical belt, which I barely missed when it swung in a crushing blow toward my head. I watched Darius place a silver whistle to his lips and blow. No sound came out, so I ignored it and continued avoiding the swings and punches from the guards.
“What the hell!” Darius yelled, shaking the whistle and blowing even harder.
“Joey, watch out!” Kit shouted just as one of the guards plunged a knife into my side.
I grunted as the knife was pulled out and clutched my bleeding side, doubling over in pain.
Darius ripped the whistle from his neck and flung it against the wall angrily before storming over to me. Grabbing my face and tilting my head back to get a better look, he scowled furiously. He was so close, I could see every indention and twisted claw mark that made up his disfigured face.
“I told you … you won’t make it out of here alive,” he gritted furiously.
I laughed, showing my pearly white teeth. “Who said you could kill me? Haven’t you heard? I can’t die.”
He didn’t know who I was. But if I made him think Joey was invincible, maybe they would leave her alone … for now. Which was what I needed.
Darius jerked back in surprise and released me as if I’d just electrocuted him. “What did you say?” he murmured.
I slapped his hand away from me. “I. Can’t. Die. No matter how hard you try.”
He frowned for a moment before his eyes brightened. “Your family curse … it happened?”
It was my turn to raise a brow. So the Humans United leader knew about our family curse? About my curse? Interesting turn of events. I wisely kept quiet and didn’t answer.
“I thought you had to be twenty-six before it took effect? Answer me!” he shouted, but I didn’t even flinch. When I remained quiet, he dug his hand into the wound on my side, making me grunt. “Answer me!”
I curved in on myself from the pain. I might not be able to die, but Joey was right; it didn’t mean I didn’t feel pain. I felt it. A lot of it.
“Joey!” Kit yelled from behind me and I heard the guards trying to shut him up. Ugh. What a pain. If I were Joey, I’d want to kick that human to the curb for real.
“Whomever provided you with that information was grossly misinformed,” I grumbled, hoping it wasn’t Joey.
Darius released me. “You did warn me that your mother didn’t know everything. Although I didn’t expect her to lie,” he said thoughtfully.
Her mother? Joey’s own mother sold her out to Humans United? It was getting harder not to pity the girl the more I learned about her.
I looked up at him with a pained smirk. “Should’ve listened to me the first time. So instead of us uselessly fighting and me killing you, just give me my kitten and I’ll be on my way.”
Darius contemplated for a good sixty seconds whether to sic his guards on me again. To drive the point home, I lifted my shirt up when I felt my wound start to heal and showed him so he could see there was no way this would end well … for him, at least.
“Fine. Take him.” He nodded to the guards to release him.
“And my seelie friend … where is she?” I inquired with a raised brow.
Darius grinned slowly. “Oh, her? She’s gone. Since they couldn’t have Fiona, I gave them her instead.”
Two hours had come and gone, and I was still waiting at the gas station where Maggie told me to meet her. I paced the uneven concrete, antsy that something had gone wrong. At least I was safely in the supe district, which had been a pain in the ass to get inside because they were in the process of shutting down the borders. I worried Maggie, Kit, and Eugenie wouldn’t make it before we were in full lockdown.
I pulled out my phone to check the time and realized I had a ton of missed calls and texts from Reed, which I thought was strange. Did something happen? I was about to open the latest text message when a horn honked, making me flinch and almost drop my phone. I looked up and saw a sleek Camaro pull up in front of me; Maggie was driving and Kit sat in the passenger seat.
I pocketed my phone and rushed to the passenger side door to open it. “Kit!”
Shock colored his face as Kit slowly exited the car, his clothing disheveled and his hands trembling on the door frame. “J-Joey?”
“Yes, Kit, it’s me.” I quickly grabbed his shaking hands and pulled him closer to me. “You’re safe.”
His blue eyes widened as he peered over his shoulder to look at Maggie, who was leaning against her car and watching us. She winked and blew him a kiss, making him flinch. “Who the hell is that, then?” Kit shrieked as he pointed in her direction.
I patted his han
d and drew his attention back to me. “That’s a long story, Kit. Don’t worry about it for now. Just know you’re safe within the supe district—”
“How am I safe in the supe district?” Kit exclaimed. “I’m a human in supernatural territory! I’m the perfect punching bag for everyone here who’s mad about the Registration Act! And … and I’m not even safe in human territory,” he muttered the last part as he deflated. “The way they took Eugenie … I don’t even know if she’s alive.” He furrowed his brows.
“She’s alive,” Maggie interrupted. “Darius all but confirmed it. They couldn’t get ahold of the seelie rep, so he took your friend instead to give to the government.”
I gave a low growl and fisted my hands. “So she’s with Elliott and the others.”
Maggie nodded.
“Did you find out where they’re being held?” I asked.
Maggie snorted. “Are you serious? Do you think Darius is just going to offer up that kind of information? No, wolf girl. It’ll take some investigative work before we figure that out.”
I turned my attention back to Kit, who was shaking and starting to hyperventilate. I grabbed his hand. “It’ll be okay, I promise. Eugenie will be fine. We’ll find her. And you are safe. I won’t let anything happen to you here. You have my word, Kit.”
He sighed. “It’s not your job to protect me, Joey.”
I smiled up at him. “It is now, so relax. Like everything else, we’ll get through this … together. For now, let’s get back to the Pack Den.”